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Interior design classes in Dubai

Things to Know Before You Study Interior Design

Looking to expand your home decor skills into a professional pursuit?

Taking an interior design course can give you refined skills and open up new avenues for you. With skilldeer, you can learn interior design to convert a hobby into a business, add skills to your repertoire or even further your education with a complete professional interior design course.

So before you embark on your design journey, here are some fun and interesting facts you should know -

  1. Interior Design is Ancient - some historians even consider cave paintings to be a form of interior design, similar to the tapestries of the middle ages depicting hunts and events. Worry not though, the courses we offer give you up-to-date knowledge with some even covering 3D interior designing.

  2. Interior Design is More Than Just Where to Place Furniture - during an interior design class, you will quickly learn that a lot of technical knowledge and rules go into creating design plans. What’s more? You may even be knocking down and building new walls once you gain an interior design certification.

  3. You Will Learn A Lot About Art & Architecture - creating interesting and livable spaces involves learning about floor layouts and how to decorate a space appropriately. Get started with an interior decoration class before you move to more advanced interior design lessons. You will cover everything from furniture, fabrics, and walls to art history, blueprints, and economics.

  4. How to Become an Interior Designer - if the above information seems a bit daunting, don’t worry. In our experience, the best interior design course for you depends on the goals that you are working towards. If you are looking to get into the industry and work with an established firm, we provide certified courses from Interior Design Institutes. Alternately, you can sign up for short term interior design courses that will guide you through specific skills you may want to work on, and even help you start your own business.

Get your skills up to date with a plethora of interior design tutorials. Whether you want to learn 3D interior designing, take a specialized interior decoration course, or just get a taste with an interior design class, we have got something to get you to achieve your goals.