Etiquette with Balsam
Balsam Al Khalil is a certified etiquette, protocol & image consultant. She's also a certified NLP and Reiki practitioner, and wellness and lifestyle coach.
She initially studied law and spent her life in the corporate world focusing on growing businesses for individuals and institutions. Later in her life, she studied fashion styling and image consultancy at the London College of Fashion. After that, Balsam persuaded her studies in etiquette and protocol first at the Finishing Touch Academy in Dubai, and then at the European School of Protocol in Belgium, to become a certified business etiquette and international protocol consultant (MA, Train the Trainer degree).
In addition, she proceeded to study Neuro Linguistics Programming, in which she became certified by both Richard Bandler – USA, and NLP Coaching Academy – India, as an NLP, Wellness and Lifestyle Coach.
In early 2023, Balsam proceeded to study Reiki healing and obtained her Reiki Master's degree in March 2023.
She is a frequent writer of several articles in relation to sheer manners and lifestyle, in addition to publishing 2 books, "Travel Etiquette", a guide for the modern Traveler” in English and “Etiquette for all seasons” in Arabic.
In addition to being a frequent guest on many TV and Radio stations in Lebanon and the Gulf Region, Balsam is a speaker at conferences and conducts regular training courses for individuals nda companies and instrumental in changing lives for the better.
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