Count on Light by Ruchika
Ruchika is a certified therapist and energy healing practitioner based in Abu Dhabi. Keeping with her holistic practice of creating balance in the Body, Mind, and Soul, she works with an integrated approach to healing by combining several therapeutic modalities and techniques including, Integrated Clinical Hypnotherapy (EKAA Institute formerly known as California Hypnosis Institute of India - CHII), Transpersonal Regression Therapy (TASSO Instituut, Netherlands), Family Constellation, Numerology, Chakra Diagnosis & Attunement, Reiki, and Ho'ponopono.
She is also a member in good standing at the International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association (IMDHA), USA. Her personal healing journey started more than 2 decades ago when she received her first attunement, making Reiki a part of her daily practice since then.
During her quest for self-discovery and empowerment, she has experienced a phenomenal personal transformation. This has led her to delve deeper into the understanding of various holistic approaches through the years, to continue her self-development and support clients in exploring the healing power within them.