Sonic Temple
Marko Zigon has been connected to Sound since 1993. Trained in classical music (Trombone & Percussion) in 1997 he formed a band and performed more than 500 live shows - recording 2 studio albums. Bachelor in acoustics since 2006 (Seaport noise reduction case study) he parallelly graduated at the Australian School for Audio Engineering (SAE Institute) the same year. It was around that time, he experienced Sound Therapy for the first time and immediately sensed a deep connection to it.
While working for almost 9 years as producer/musician/sound engineer in a professional studio facility he built in 2007, he deepened his relationship with silence as part of music reproduction as well as the importance of bringing silence into everyday life. After completing more than 15 international trainings and personal tuitions by leading experts in the field: In Germany, UK, Japan, USA, Italy, Russia, France, Poland, and Nepal he developed a proper frequency assessment test in order to deliver optimal results while empowering individuals through sound.
Keeping a file with more than 950 individual sound therapy sessions, while hosting more than 360 group meditations around the globe, he personally experienced a variety of marginal treatments: from shamans in Mongolia to neuro-scientists in California and a lot in between.
Relentlessly evolving and focusing on delivering the best experience Marko has gathered so far an impressive collection of sonic tools (which include more than 140 singing bowls, 160+ tuning forks and 15 different gongs) among many other rare instruments he is sharing the passion during his regularly 60+ international trainings held in: UAE, Germany, Italy, Nepal, Bahrain, England, USA, Hong Kong and Japan. For the last 4 years he has been constantly running Sound Therapy Trainings Level 1,2 & 3.
Some references and key competences related to his practice and sound trainings:
- Gongs: Certified GM training with the Grand gong master Don Conreaux (USA). Integral Gong training - cosmic gong techniques with gong scientist Jens Zygar (Germany). Gong making (hand-hammering) masterclass with sound metalsmith Ton Akkermans (Netherlands).
- Singing bowls: Peter Hess sound massage training level 1-4 (personally with Peter Hess at PHI headquarter in Germany). Sound training in Nepal at the Himalayan Singing Bowl Center with “Kansa” dynasty successors (Kathmandu). Private lessons with singing bowl expert Frank Perry at his home in the UK.
- Tuning forks: Private lectures with frequency mathematician Randy Masters (Santa Cruz - California), Human Tuning TF training with Dr. John Beaulieu (New York). Planetary frequency consultations with the father of planetary wavelengths - Hans Cousto (Germany).
Apart from everything related to sound his hobbies include: photography, art, reading, traveling and studying “Presence”. In 2020 he directed “Tapu Himene” - Silence is the end game, which was awarded 1st prize for best Inspirational short movie at Florence 2020 international film awards.