Art in Motion Gymnastics

Art in Motion Gymnastics

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Art in Motion Gymnastics Center provides high-quality gymnastics training for children and adults in a family-friendly, positive and encouraging environment that nurtures and supports healthy behaviors, hard work, and a love for the sport. 

Through the skills taught in their facility, children will develop a positive self-image through guidance and motivation from our coaches. They are committed to providing a fun and rewarding atmosphere at all times. The skills taught are used to build healthy minds and bodies.

Their objective is not limited to just teaching gymnastics, tumbling, trampoline and tricking skills, but to pass along life skills such as coordination, teamwork, leadership, strength, and determination. They expect the best from our coaches and our athletes, for their performance both in the sport and their actions in the gym. 

They offer a wide variety of activities for kids and adults of all ages, serving  communities with their state-of-the-art facilities, enthusiastic coaching staff, and highly successful programs 

Classes by Art in Motion Gymnastics


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