Have you ever wanted to design your own greeting cards and invites or create beautiful flowery patterns with watercolor? This short but effective 2-hour private workshop with Anastasiia will introduce you to the world of floral watercolor painting. You will learn in simple steps to paint beautiful flowers and get through the basic coloring techniques. No previous drawing or painting experience is required.
- You can bring your own materials (list of items and recommendations will be provided) or purchase them directly from the instructor for an approximate cost of AED 60 (optional)
Validity Period:
All sessions are valid for 60 days upon booking
Age Requirements:
18 and older
Additional Info:
- The class size may vary from 1-3 persons
- Alternate weekend sessions can be arranged upon request (subject to availability of instructor)
Instructors home studio at:
Street 1, Springs 11
(unit # will be shared upon booking)