Develop your programming skills with this personal KHDA-certified professional development program!
Python is a high-level general-purpose programming language used in key everyday functions, from web development to data science to machine learning. Its design focuses on code readability with the usage of significant indentation, and thus helps the programmers to write clear logical codes.
This private online 24-hour course (12 sessions x 2 hours) is designed by qualified instructors who will make sure you are fully prepared before attempting the Pearson exam. Why learn Python? Its similarity to English in terms of syntax makes the code easier to read and comprehend. newcomers. When compared to other prominent languages like C/C++ and Java, you require fewer lines of code to accomplish the same purpose. In the event of an error, Python only displays one overarching error, which facilitates debugging. It is also versatile and be run on different systems. You only have to write it once and it may be used wherever.
Program Outline:
- Module 1: Python Basics
- Running Python
- Hello, World!
- Literals
- Python Comments
- Data Types
- Variables
- Writing a Python Module
print() Function - Named Arguments
- Collecting User Input
- Module 2: Getting Help
- Functions and Modules
- Defining Functions
- Variable Scope
- Global Variables
- Function Parameters
- Returning Values
- Importing Modules
- Module 3: Mathematics
- Arithmetic Operators
- Modulus and Floor
- Division
- Assignment Operators
- Built-in Math Functions
- The math Module
- The random Module
- Seeding
- Module 4: Python Strings
- Quotation Marks and Special Characters
- String Indexing
- Slicing Strings
- Concatenation and Repetition
- Common String Methods
- String Formatting
- Formatted String Literals (f-strings)
- Built-in String Functions
- Module 5: Iterables (Sequences, Dictionaries, and Sets)
- Definitions
- Sequences
- Unpacking Sequences
- Dictionaries
- The lens() Function
- Sets
- *args and **the wargs
- Module 6: Flow Control
- Conditional Statements
- The is and is not Operators
- Ternary Operator
- Loops in Python
- The enumerate() Function
- Generators
- List Comprehensions
- Module 7: Virtual Environments
- Virtual Environment
- Creating a Virtual Environment
- Activating and Deactivating a Virtual Environment
- Deleting a Virtual Environment
- Module 8: Regular Expressions
- Regular Expression Syntax
- Python’s Handling of Regular Expressions
- Module 9: Unicode and Encoding
- Bits and Bytes
- Hexadecimal Numbers
- Encoding
- Module 10: File Processing
- Opening Files
- The os and os. path Modules
- Module 11: Exception Handling
- Wildcard except for Clauses
- Getting Information on Exceptions
- The else Clause
- The finally Clause
- Using Exceptions for Flow Control
- Raising Your Own Exceptions
- Exception Hierarchy
- Module 12: Python Dates and Times
- The time Module
- The Date-Time Module
- Module 13: Running Python Scripts from the Command Line
- sys. argv
- sys. path
All materials will be provided
Validity Period:
All sessions are valid for 90 days upon booking
Age Requirements:
18 and older
Additional Info:
- KHDA-attested certificate will be awarded upon completion of the course
via Zoom or alternate video-calling app
Online Class