Positive Youth Development (PYD) is a theory based on years of research on the best ways to help young people grow into adulthood. This program is designed to help youth workers to understand the Positive Youth Development approaches, such as the individual strength approach that promotes young people's social and emotional well-being.
This program discusses the outside influences that promote young people's social and emotional well-being. Also, the program aims to examine approaches of working with young people to create a growth plan and to create positive paths for young people. Creating a step by step action plan for integrating Positive Youth Development into youth organizations is also presented in this program.
Who Should Attend?
- Department heads of youth-focused institutions.
- Young Leaders
- Professionals responsible for youth program development, in government departments, corporations and NGOs.
- Youth Workers.
- Student Activities coordinators.
- Professionals responsible for policy formulation and strategy development in youth focused organizations.
- School and University teachers.
When you successfully complete this program, you should be able to:
- Understand the Positive Youth Development approaches.
- Identify the developmental needs of young people and adolescents.
- Work effectively with young people to create a growth plan.
- Make use of individual strength approach that promotes young people's social and emotional well-being.
- Create positive places for young people.
- Create an action plan for integrating Positive Youth Development into your organization.
Course Outline:
- Day 1
- What is positive youth development?
- The concept
- Strength-based approaches
- Individual strengths that promote young people's social and emotional well-being
- The 5 Cs
- Outside influences that promote young people's social and emotional well-being
- Families - Schools - Communities
- Day 2
- The developmental assets
- The five promises
- Work with a young person to create a growth plan
- Youth immediate needs
- Assisting young person to set goals
- Active listening skills to determine the youth's strengths and interests
- Rewarding youth
- Day 3
- Putting positive Youth development into practice
- Building individual strength in youth
- Youth involvement
- Creating positive places for young people
- What makes a place positive?
- How to keep youth places positive?
- Day 4
- Creating a step by step action plan for integrating Positive Youth Development into your organization
- Select PYD framework
- Train staff and volunteers
- Preview your mission statement
- Review your programs
- Establish a concrete way to involve youth in your programs
- Assess your programs
All materials will be provided
Cancellation Policy:
24 hours after the course start with full refund
Age Requirements:
18 - 45 years old
Additional Info:
* You will receive a certificate of participation by the end of this course
* Upon request, this class can also be conducted online
The Oberoi Dubai, 8th Floor, Office #13
Business Bay