Landscape Photography

Landscape Photography

by Wildeye

2,000 AED

(VAT inclusive)

Landscape Photography

2,000 AED

(VAT inclusive)

Flexible Dates
Dubai - Flexible
All Levels
Validity Period: All sessions are valid for 30 days upon booking
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Landscape photography is the technique of capturing images of nature to bring your viewer into the scene. Through landscape photography, the photographers demonstrate their connection to nature and capture the essence of the environment around them.
When we see a landscape, our eyes travel over it and focus on the appealing elements. Our field of vision includes a great deal of the scenes, but eyes and brains can ignore everything except the fascinating details. Lenses and sensors or film cannot do this by themselves.
Time is the most important thing in taking good landscape pictures. Once you reach a place that you’ve never visited before, spend some time driving or hiking to various locations and find different vantage points. You can carry a compass to calculate the sunrise and sunset and imagine how the place looks in a different light. This needs practice as you have to understand where the light will not be falling too.

Key Points of Landscape Photography

1. Researching locations can help in taking the best shots. Use online maps to plan your route and spot various vantage points. You can also research popular attractions and sites to get the best results. If you like a location and got incredible shots, try that location again. Photography is a learning experience so you will learn more about the environment with each trip. In the same places, you will get new ideas, new angles, and new approaches. In addition, you can visit the location at different times of the day to get different results.

2. The best camera for landscape photography should have a full-frame sensor and an excellent wide-angle lens. However, often the best lens for landscape photography is a zoom or telephoto lens.
To get the sharpest landscapes, you can shoot at f/16 or f/22. Using a high f-stop, you can capture details in both the foreground and the background. It is crucial to include everything in focus in landscape photography.

3. Point-and-shoot cameras can seldom exceed f/8. However, with their many lenses and manual settings, Digital SLR cameras will produce the best landscape images. In addition, DSLR cameras feature larger sensors that will yield more detail and sharper images, which make them the best camera for landscape photography.

4. Newer mirrorless cameras are also suitable for landscapes, and they are smaller and lighter than SLR cameras.
The circular polarizer allows you to handle the light in the sky and make blues pop and clouds more dramatic and defined. Near water, the polarizer enables you to control, limit, or eliminate reflections. As a result, you can show fish swimming over tropical reefs or rocks at the bottom of a mountain stream.

5. Neutral density filters make a scene darker than it appears by reducing the light reaching the camera. When you are capturing a long-exposure photograph, and if the setting is too brightly lit, an ND filter will be helpful.

ND filters can make water smooth with motion and make clouds streak across the sky. In addition, ND filters can create a surreal, painting-like quality, especially with seascapes and waterfalls.
You can use a graduated density filter if you want an ND filter to darken an overexposed sky. They have various combinations, but you can choose a half ND filter of 1 or 2 stops.

6. Make use of golden hours to get beautiful shots. Pinks and oranges are reflected during sunset and can change the tone of a photo.

New digital cameras have great abilities to capture light in low-light settings. Astrophotography is done using a wide-angle lens, a tripod, and a DSLR.

7. The Landscape photograph should be balanced with depth by adding something in the foreground, such as a character tree, a sailboat, a piece of driftwood, or a mountain creek. Wherever you are, look for foreground objects that help tell your story. For example, though an island in the distance seems good, a sailboat passing it in the distance is significant.

To obtain both high f-stop and low ISO, use slow shutter speeds and a tripod to avoid blurry images from camera shaking.

The histogram display can show whether the bright whites are clipped, or the blacks are underexposed. This is helpful for setting up the shot and picking camera settings for the perfect exposure.

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Skill Level:

All Levels


All materials will be provided

Validity Period:

All sessions are valid for 30 days upon booking

Age Requirements:

12 and older


This class takes place outdoors.

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# Sessions
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Each session takes 3 hours

After booking this class you will be contacted by the instructor to set your schedule as per your availability.

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