Learn how to use Linkedin for business, for job searches, and get tips on how to use the platform for social recruiting in this comprehensive 1-on-1 social media training course. You'll be trained by an experienced professional on how to leverage the world's largest online professional network with more than 200 million members in over 200 countries and territories, 2 million company pages and corporate hiring managers from 85 of the Fortune 100. These classes will be customized according to what you'd like to achieve from the platform.
Who should take this course:
- Those tired of searching for jobs online
- Job applicants
- Recruiters
- Small business owners, entrepreneurs
- Business leaders in sales
- Those targeting B2B
Participants will receive a free Profile Audit
Validity Period:
All sessions are valid for 30 days upon booking
Age Requirements:
21 - 80 years old
You can choose between the following locations:
-Any cafe or working space
-Your office anywhere in
Abu Dhabi