Learn methods of natural support for the ovulation process.
This 2-hour course is the second step in the Aviva Method and includes a series of exercises that stimulate and support ovulation. Like the Aviva Simple Method, this series of movements is also a full-body movement exercise with special therapeutic and hormonal effects. While Aviva Simple Method supports the best conditions for overall genital health and fertility, the ovulation exercises specifically help the amazing event of ovulation and follicular rupture. It supports overall ovarian function, follicular maturation, and ovulation.
Before joining this course, you must have done the 18 exercises from the Aviva Method for at least 3 months. You can learn this from the Aviva Method for Hormonal Balance and Fertility.
How does it work?
Building on what we already learned in the Aviva Method, we use the muscles of the working zone and muscles inside the pelvis. Contracting exercises result in increased blood supply in the pelvis, and improved circulation, metabolism and detoxification around the ovaries.
The sequence of movements heats up the genital region, creating an internal static charge. This energy dissolves tension in the organs and promotes regeneration and ovulation.
In this series of exercises, we work deep inside the pelvis with twists, stretches and even abdominal press. Therefore, it is a much more intense set of exercises than the Aviva Simple Method’s 18 exercises.
The strong internal work of the working zone is complemented by a new element, the external pressing. Tissues are stimulated by rhythmically pressing and releasing the area around the ovaries. For those who have a more serious challenge such as PCOS, severe hormonal imbalances or ovarian insufficiency, the breakthrough is often brought by the combination of the Aviva Simple Method and the series of exercises that stimulate ovulation.
When is it recommended to practice the exercises to support ovulation?
It is best that you learn and complete the Ovulation exercises once you have learned and have been doing Aviva Simple Method’s 18 exercises regularly for at least 3 months. That knowledge and experience will equip you well to be able to learn this additional set of more intense movements. The ovulation exercises support overall ovarian function, follicular maturation and ovulation. There are several situations when ovulation exercises can be recommended:
- Trying to have a baby
- In the absence of ovulation
- PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome)
- Low AMH, ovarian exhaustion
- Early menopause
One of the benefits of doing these exercises in a group setting is creating a community of TTC (Trying to Conceive.) This community helps destigmatize and normalize conversation around this sensitive subject. Many couples feel alone on this journey, and it doesn't have to be this way. This community helps people cope with difficulty as well as celebrate successes together.
- It's recommended to wear leggings and a t-shirt suited for exercises
- Participants must bring an exercise mat
Cancellation Policy:
24 hours prior to course start with full refund
Female only
Age Requirements:
18 and older
Additional Info:
- Participants must have completed the Aviva Method Workshop for Hormonal Balance and Fertility
- Participants must have to do the 18 exercises from the Aviva Method for at least 3 months
- This class can be taken online. Contact our toll-free number at 800 3337 for more information
via Video Calling App
Anywhere in
Abu Dhabi